Gilroy Teachers Association
Stay Informed...Stay Involved
Gilroy Teachers Association (GTA) is the union that represents you in the district. GTA is YOU and your colleagues coming together to advocate for your students, your profession, your community, and the public education all California students deserve. Educators are stronger when we have a collective voice. We are affiliated with the California Teachers Association (CTA) and the National Education Association (NEA).
Gilroy Teachers Association works for and with YOU to negotiate contracts, influence district policies, communicate and engage with the community, represent educators building by building, promote safe, welcome learning and working environments, and help to create the public education all California students deserve. Remember, we are stronger together! Be sure to join us as a member of Gilroy Teachers Association today!

A Partner
Have a question about the contract and working conditions? Or how to request a day off? We're here to get you an answer quickly.
An Advocate for Your Career
Your leadership team collectively bargain contracts based on YOUR input.
A Place for Professional Growth
Gilroy Teachers Association utilizes the numerous opportunities provided by CTA staff, member trainers and experts offer hundreds of free professional development opportunities across the state help you grow throughout your career.
A Voice for Public Education
GTA, CTA and NEA have people fighting for you every day, connecting members to their policymakers and other state and federal officials to ensure their voices are heard when decisions are made.
Most importantly, when we stand together in our union, we have a voice in our profession and a seat at the table to negotiate fair wages and benefits.
Be in the know!! Check out the Negotiations tab for more information and updates.